Required to be covered under X2 Financial Protection, the Financial Protection System is where members are able to enter invoices related to business conducted with fellow X2 members.
The green, orange, and red indicators display the number of invoices a company has paid or holds as outstanding.
Green: Green represents paid invoices.
Orange: Orange Represents all invoices that are outstanding but NOT past the due date
Red: Red Represents all invoices that are outstanding but past the due date.
All invoices uploaded to the X2 Financial Protection System are done so by X2 members, therefore it is the duty of all X2 members to ensure that professionalism is maintained and that all paid invoices are marked as paid in a timely manner.
Failure to comply with the above will see the payees X2 Risk Rating effected and cause potential harm to the company’s reputation.
For any assistance on invoices that have been paid and still reflect as unpaid, please contact